Monday, April 4, 2011

Thing 1 & Thing 2


Same parents, same house
But completely unique
Thing 2 loves her school
Thing 1 complains through the week

Thing 1 likes his quiet
Thing 2 likes to shout
Thing 1 ponders intensely
Thing 2 wanders about

Thing 1 proceeds with caution
Thing 2 shows no restraint
Thing 1 reaches for your hand
While, Thing 2 reaches for wet paint!

Thing 1 respects order
Thing 2 makes a mess
Thing 1 nibbles slowly
Thing 2 spills all over her dress

Thing 1 thinks before speaking
Thing 2 rarely comes up for air
Thing 1 observes from the sidelines
Thing 2 dances without care

Thing 1 turns up his nose
New food makes him scream
Thing 2 orders chimichangas
With extra sour cream

Thing 1 sees the glass empty
Thing 2's cup is full
Thing 1 needs a gentle push
And Thing 2 requires a strong pull

Thing 2 adores her Mom
Thing 1 idolizes his Dad
We cherish their differences
Neither one is half-bad

It's easy to think that they can be molded like clay
But they are, who they are, from the very first day!

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