Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vampire Fangs

I sometimes worry about whether or not I'm providing my kids with the best childhood possible. Who am I kidding? I worry about it all the time! Money is always tight, so we can't go to as many places as I would like. My husband has to work overtime every week, just to make ends meet, so we have less free time together as a family. We don't live on a perfect tree lined street, where we walk everywhere, and know all of our neighbors. And my kids don't spend hours a day exploring the great outdoors, which seems like something that children should get to do.

Needless to say, I spend a fair amount of time agonizing over the day to day. But then I look at a photo like the one above, and it forces me back into the moment. My kids may not have perfection... no one does, but they do have freedom to be themselves. Our home provides a sacred space for our family to grow. They can be who they want, when they want, without judgment or humiliation. Even when they choose to be a hybrid Batman, vampire, Harry Potter!

We may not have the funds or the time to travel around the world (or even the state!), but I can make our home a place of love and creativity. I trust that this is a significant ingredient to a happy childhood. So when my kids are grown, they may not have memories of fancy vacations, but hopefully they'll remember the vampire fangs!

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