Monday, January 10, 2011

Warrior Woman

The woman you see in this picture is my Warrior Woman. She may look cute, standing there with all those sheep (actually, they're all in the process of running away from her!). They're probably fleeing, because they sense that they are in the presence of a fierce lioness ready to pounce at any moment! This Warrior Woman/lioness goes by another name as well... I like to call her Mom.

This picture holds great significance, because it was taken in Scotland. My Mom has always had an intense fear of flying, but after getting a serious health diagnosis, my sister and I decided to hijack her to a foreign land. Warrior Women don't give up, they don't accept defeat, and they don't succumb to fear. Warrior Women believe in something greater, so off we flew!

We all need a Warrior Woman in our life, or better yet, many Warrior Women. I am blessed to be born to one and a sister to another; I've also found WW friends throughout my life, but many women are not that fortunate. If you don't have one of these women in your life, you need to go get one....NOW! There is no time to waste.

In case you don't know what to look for, I have included a checklist....

1. A Warrior Woman knows her purpose and lives this purpose without excuses, or actively seeks purpose when her path is unclear.

2. A Warrior Woman is loving and compassionate.

3. A Warrior Woman challenges herself and others.

4. A Warrior Woman says "NO".

5. A Warrior Woman breathes passion.

6. A Warrior Woman stands tall.

7. A Warrior Woman has faith.

8. A Warrior Woman emanates light and hope.

9. A Warrior Woman fights oppression.

10. A Warrior Woman stands up to fear, and says "Go Away!"

Women have power and potential greater than we let ourselves believe. We hold back, and for what? Who do we benefit when we hide ourselves from the world? What do we offer the Universe when we hold our talents, passions, and ideas for ransom? The answer is nothing. We offer the world nothing.

So go find your Warrior Woman, and in the process, become your own Warrior Woman. Only when we start freely bestowing our gifts, will our world know peace.

I Love You Mom!

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